Find a More Positive Pregnancy Through the Positive Pregnancy Program!

Let Me Help you Find Positivity in Pregnancy!

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Morning Sickness🤰 Mini Course for Mental Health During Pregnancy

Do you dread pregnancy because it is such a difficult season of life for you?

The nausea... the tiredness... the weight gain... the all-over-the-place hormones... Do you find yourself swimming negative thoughts during pregnancy?

I always wanted a larger family, but pregnancy scared me from having more children. I was scared to be pregnant because I HATED pregnancy. I knew things needed to change. During baby #3 and baby #4 I found mindset tools that helped improve my negative mindset about pregnancy, and it helped so much that I desire to help other pregnant mothers who dislike pregnancy too but want more children.

'Positive Pregnancy Program' came to me from God because of how DIFFICULT pregnancy was for me. My mess became my message and I want to help you!

This self-led video program focuses on three main areas: gratitude, changing the negative to positive in pregnancy and pregnancy specific affirmations. One to two minutes at a time while laying in your bed or on your couch I can help guide you through mindset-shifts for a more positive pregnancy!

42 self-led, one to eight minute videos |  $37  


Pregnancy🤰 Coaching

I know that you are a busy pregnant mom with a lot on your plate. Not only are you not feeling well, but you are tired, worn out and wondering if you can make it the remaining months of your pregnancy. That is why my coaching looks different. Ten minutes at a time for 5 weeks I can give you small and simple steps for lasting change in improving your pregnancy!

I have had four pregnancies, and one miscarriage. I have birthed a baby via C-Section, via induction and epidural, via my own contractions and epidural, and all natural/ unmedicated.

If you are looking for some deeper help from me, I offer coaching! Book Below!

My coaching includes:
-One on one
-5 weeks of ten minutes each individual sessions
-A personalized affirmation
-My notes from each session with in 24 hours.
-Mindset tools.
-and accountability! Book Below!

5 weekly ten minute sessions |  $50 


“With positive mental support, we can find the sacred beauty in pregnancy.”

— Joslyn Hillam, Positive Pregnancy Support

Questions before signing up? Get in touch.

Library of FREE Podcast Episodes on Mindset in Pregnancy from Start to Finish!

  1. Let's Get Awkward! Time to Talk about Intimacy and Pleasure in Your Marriage and Growing Your Family [Pregnancy Series]

2. Permission to FEEL. Navigating Excitement and Disappointment in Pregnancy and Life [Pregnancy Series]

3. Nausea and Pregnancy Sickness Playbook: When Pregnancy Slows you Down [Pregnancy Series]


4. How to Handle a Miscarriage and Lean on God's Strength [Pregnancy Series]

5.Tactics for Navigating Survival Mode in Pregnancy [Pregnancy Series]


6. Embracing the Miracles in Pregnancy as a Christian Mom [Pregnancy Series]


7.Tight Clothes, Growing Belly, Love Handles... Early Body Changes in Pregnancy [Pregnancy Series]


8. Gender Reveal Excitement and Disappointments [Pregnancy Series]

9. All Natural/ Unmedicated? Epidural? C-Section? A tactical for helping you in your birth plan! [Pregnancy Series]

10. Emergency C-Section! When plans don't go as planned! 9 weeks early, HELLP syndrome, Pre-eclampsia! [Pregnancy Series]

11.To Be Induced? or Natural Contractions? Epidural? Decisions for the Expecting Mama! [Pregnancy Series]

12. Can I birth a baby Unmedicated/All Natural?! [Pregnancy Series]


13. Bottle Or Breast Which is Best?


14. Having a NICU Baby and Struggling in Motherhood [Pregnancy Series]


15. Exploring After Birth,The Fourth Trimester, and Postpartum Physical Pains [Pregnancy Series]


16. Postpartum Depression, The Baby Blues and Navigating Emotional Changes After Birth [Pregnancy Series]

EXTRA: The Heartache and Growth of Dealing with Infant Loss with Elizabeth [Pregnancy Series]

EXTRA: Twins! Exploring Twin Pregnancy and Birth with Shan‘tel Christensen [Pregnancy Series]